Frequently Asked Questions

Appointments & Fees

  • If you’re seeking psychiatric services please contact Daniel Lamanna by phone or email ( to express your interest in starting treatment. For psychiatric services you can also go ahead and schedule an appointment online.

    If you’re seeking therapy services, please contact Dr. Jolene Jacquart by phone or email ( to express your interest in starting treatment.

    We will do our best to answer any questions and address any initial concerns that you have before we schedule the initial appointment.

    If you are unsure which type of treatment approach is right for you, please contact us at and we will assist you.

  • Daniel Lamanna is currently accepting new patients. You can schedule an appointment online. Individuals are often able to schedule an appointment for an initial evaluation within 1-2 weeks. Please contact Daniel Lamanna if you are interested in treatment and have questions.

  • Dr. Jacquart only sees a small number of patients for individual therapy as she spends a large percentage of her time serving as the Director of the Behavioral Health Clinic within the Psychology Department at the University of Arizona. Therefore, there are times when her schedule cannot accommodate new patients for several weeks. Please contact Dr. Jacquart if you are interested in treatment and inquire about upcoming availability.

  • None of our providers are contracted by insurance plans, which means we do not take insurance and our providers are considered out-of-network providers.

    Many insurance plans allow individuals to apply for partial reimbursement for therapy services received from out-of-network providers. Plans and processes vary widely therefore you are responsible for determining what insurance benefits you can receive and how to obtain reimbursement.

    In some cases, when individuals are unable to find another provider with the same expertise in their insurance network, insurance companies will provide full reimbursement to cover the treatment (sometimes called a “single case exception").

    Please call your insurance company prior to your first appointment and request further information regarding your out-of-network benefits.

    Helpful questions to ask your insurance company:

    • I’m seeking out-of-network mental health services, what are the percentage of Providers fees that are reimbursable?

    • Is there a deductible?

    • How many sessions per year does my plan cover?

    • What documentation do I need to submit in order to receive out-of-network reimbursement and where do I submit it?

    • Are there any time limitations regarding filing my claims?

  • Health spending accounts are another type of healthcare benefit where individuals and/or employers put money aside to pay for qualified medical expenses, such as deductibles and copays. You might be able to use your Health Spending Account to pay for mental health services using your associated health spending account debit card or submitting receipts for reimbursement. You are responsible for checking with your health spending account benefits to see what qualifies as a medical expense and how you can use the account to pay for services.

  • Fees are determined by the service provided and are collected at the time of service. For more information on fee structure, visit the therapy or psychiatric services & fee page.

    We accept check and credit cards. We do not accept insurance plans; however, we are happy to provide you with an invoice to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

    Please contact us to further discuss fees and payment options.

  • If cost is a barrier, please contact us to further discuss fees and payment options.

  • If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please provide 24-hours notice prior to your scheduled appointment time. You will be charged 75% of the service fee for missed or cancelled appointments without 24-hour advance notice.

Psychiatric Services

  • Treatment plans are individualized and designed to meet your specific needs. However, there are certain classes of medications that are not prescribed:

    • We do not currently prescribe stimulant medications. However, we do treat ADD/ADHD with non-stimulant interventions.

    • We do not offer opioid replacement treatments at this time. However, we do prescribe Naltrexone and Vivitrol in the treatment of alcohol and opioid use disorders.

    • Benzodiazepines are prescribed on a very limited basis when clinically indicated. If you transition to our care with active prescriptions for benzodiazepines, it will be our goal to assist in the slow reduction and cessation of their use.

    Please see the psychiatric treatment approach page to learn more about our approach to medication management.

  • We limit our use of medications that have the potential of serious dependence and abuse.

    We will happily work with you on reducing use of controlled substances by developing a personalized plan of reducing use while maximizing safer alternative treatments. 

    Anybody receiving a prescription for a controlled medication must be checked in the Arizona Board of Pharmacy prescription drug monitoring program - a database for monitoring scheduled medications such as stimulants, benzodiazepines, and opioids including MAT options like Suboxone.

    If prescribed a controlled substance we may ask you to complete drug testing prior to prescribing or refilling a medication. 

  • Prescriptions for medications will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice. Depending on your medication, prices can vary across pharmacies and it is ok to use multiple pharmacies if you choose.

    Two refills will often be provided for your medications unless otherwise discussed. We require follow up appointments at a minimum of every three months; however, you can notify us or your pharmacy directly if you require a refill prior to your next scheduled appointment.

  • Monitoring laboratory tests is an essential part of a safe medication management practice. We partner with Sonora Labs to provide easily accessible laboratory tests from locations across Arizona.

    Labs can be billed directly to your insurance or payed for independently. While we can not guarantee all labs will be paid for by your insurer, we will work to order only necessary tests and advocate for coverage on your behalf.

  • We can continue and initiate long acting injectable medications. At this time we ask that you pick up your medication immediately prior to your appointment to assure safe and stable storage prior to administration.